Landlords have a real responsibility to ensure that their tenants are all protected at all times
More and more people now depend on rented housing and buildings for business. With this, a landlord has a real responsibility to ensure that their tenants are all protected at all times. Below are a few of the fundamental things that property owners and renters can do to help keep their property safe. Let’s find out more about boosting safety within a leased property or house as a landlord. Read on to learn more!
Change Your Locks
From the time you obtain the keys to your property, you should make a few changes to it to make sure it is safe to stay in without delay. If this isn’t done, it may mean that the previous property agents or builders can access the house without your knowledge. In case you have any tenants, create an extra set of keys. Rather than providing them master keys, give them some keys to rooms with specific access. This is required to mitigate the risk of them misplacing their keys. It would be a massive hassle if you need to make another replacement. Losing keys also increases the possibility of criminals stealing the lost set of keys.
Hire Security Guards
Safety is a problem no matter where you are. Therefore, it is a good idea to hire security guards and patrol services as a noticeable deterrent is the most efficient way to protect yourself against criminals and unwanted guests. Security guards provide your property with that human presence that helps disrupt the sketchy plans of burglars. In contrast to security equipment that is typically expected, guards have different tactics to make it a lot harder for criminals to forecast where they will be at any possible time. Security guards are well-trained and smart enough to identify potential risks and security dangers, allowing you to cope with all of these issues in advance. A guard will report anything wrong to the landlord and can fix a lot of complications while on duty.
How to Use Security Guards Efficiently
If you choose to use any security guards for your business or property, here are a few tips to help you maximize your budget:
- Make sure your guards are licensed to offer security if you reside in a state where a license is required. If you’d like your guards armed, you need to get some additional licenses.
- Consider placing digital sensors around your house that guards can use to help keep your property secure. The system can help keep an eye on your security guard’s actions to ensure they’re patrolling your property correctly.
ICS Security Services is a trusted and reliable security company dedicated to protecting you and your business. Our fully trained staff serves Maryland all throughout Baltimore, Catonsville, Columbia, Bethesda, White Marsh, Gaithersburg, Annapolis, Towson, and Hunt Valley. We are here to provide you with the best services and products when you need them.
For a bit more information on how we can assist you, visit our website or give a call at 410-719-8796.
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